Women of Color need you!
Will you become a resource to the women of energizeHER™?
Are you the expert?
Active business listing in energizeHER™ directory for six (6) months
Business and profile shared across social media - Facebook, IG, LinkedIn (2x/month)
15-minute interview on energizeHER podcast (290K+ audience)
Business spotlight in the digital “Wellness Unplugged” e-Newsletter

energizeHER™ Mental Health Expert
Every year
Valid until canceled
All benefits from Option 1 plus...
Speaking opportunity at an upcoming two (2) energizeHER virtual event (date/time provided at least 3 months in advance)
Business commercial (audio or video) included in new energizeHER podcast episodes (once a quarter)
Business commercial (video) included on 24/7 Shopper’s Channel for twelve (12) months- ROKU/Amazon Fire TV
Business billboard (in your local area [or in close proximity] twice a year)

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Once there are plans available for purchase, you'll see them here.